Primeiro contato para apresentar o meu carocasa, como ele é o que ele fez e o que ele vai fazer.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Another day for visiting Paraguy and the Itaipudam.
Paraguay is an ants´nest and by the end a salesman sold me a new digitalcamara and it seems ok,and a baterycharger which is allready broken.
And the the visit at the dam is realy breethtaking.
The next leg is the road to Florianopolis aprox 800km passing by São Joaquim the highest land of Brasil in the state of Santa Catarina.
São Joaqum is the only place where the temperatur permites to grow apples ,100 days with frost every year.
We got a good photo of an appletree in bloom.
The road going down to the coast is breethtaking vell over 1200 meter down full of hairpin bends.
At Flolrianopolis we were not very lucky whith the whether no swim at all.

Dear friends, this to tell you about the trip, Dora and I made to Iguaçu.
The BB came back from the Marcedes-Benz workshop, were they had made the brakes, steering,balancing of the roads, and they added something to the diesel in order to clean the injectors and make the motor stronger.
Coming back from a visit to Inger we found that sombody has broken three of BB´s windows, more job to have it repaired.
On October the first,Dora has to vote for president, this done we went on to prepare the BB for start.
On October the fifth we took off.
This time we wanted to avoid the tollroads, a bit of a job. At the town Franco da Rocha lives Anna a friend of Dora,and we had to pay her a visite.FR is 50km from Sao Paulo, and the streets are up and down, not easy for the BB.
It was late before we found a gasstation for overnighting.
The next destination was the town José Bonifasio 500km in the bottom of the state of São Paulo. Here lives Cida whith her husbond José, old friends of Dora.
On our way we stoped up at a nice lakebeach .
We stayed a couple of days in JB. Cida and José have done it well.They have a supermarked and two houses for rent and live in a very nice vila.
We took now off for the state of Parana.
Near to JB is located my old sitio. And we passed by. To day the road is asfalted and there is electricty.I will anex some photos. The big tree in the center is a jackfruite , and we got one.

A good ride of another 500kms to the bottom of Parana where three contries ,Brasil,Paraguai and Argentina meet each other, a boiling place.
The trip was ment as a training and a test of the BB and some trouble there was, reaching 60kms per houre the steering started to tremble, and that irritated, and that made me go in to a Mercedes-Benz workshop in order to see if the job has been well done, and they found out that the alinement was wrong and so was the balancing. I got 80 reais poorer, and by the end the trembling went on the same way.
The visite of the waterfalls has changed a lot since last time I was there, now you shall pay, but ok it was well organized, a bus brings you to the falls, and there is a good restaurant.We slept in the BB at the parkinglott, neareby we found a nice swimmingpool to rest out after the visite at the brasilian side, it was very hot, the climate there is very tropical even that you are long to the south.
Next day´s visite goes to the argentine side, where the visite is organized the same way.The runways have been build out, and this side is realy the best..
After a good lunch we were not lucky, going back to the parkinglot an hevy rainstorm caut us and we came all soaked back to the BB.

The road to São Paulo is number two in heavy traffic , most of the way four lane,even to day it goes by the name “estrada de morte” road of death, but to day it is much better.
Missing 50km we had a puncture and short after the motor just stoped on its way uphill, what in hell was that?, We prepared ourself to look for a breakdown van.I found out that there was no water in the radiator. A stone has holed it.We had some water left in the tank, and even leeking I filled some in, and we manged to start the motor, hura.
In all the gasstations were we have stayed over for the night we have never seen a repaireshop for radiators, and beleeve me 10 km away ther was one.It was the most noisy of all the places, but we got a good bath, and next morning I took the radiator out and had it welded in five minutes, 20 Reais. So we where lucky.
It was a good thing to go through the São Paulo trafic after a good nights sleep.
Well back the trouble with our neighbour should not last long, as soon as she saw us she called the police who arived short after.No problem as long as I don´t put the two wheels on the sidewalk, The sidewalk I have build myself extrastong.,more than 20 years ago. The BB is now parked on the oppersite site of the street, a good place good illuminated and plane, I have been doing some repaires and this done I must take it away to a parking lot and avoid more terrorisme
Dora came back in good time to vote for president . Lula of course